Project Hope “We Hear You” – World Suicidal Prevention Day – 10th September 2022

On 10th September, the local Suicide Prevention Action Group are organising an event at Southwater Square from 11am to 3pm to raise awareness of local and national support services.

Did you know someone sleeping rough is 9 times more likely to die by suicide than the general public? Figures from the ONS in 2018 show suicide is the second most common cause of death amongst those that are homeless. The visual representation of these truly startling facts will be sleeping bags spelling out the word ‘HOPE’ as well as a Tree of Hope for people to leave their messages of hope. The event will also feature street art, face painting, circus skills, physical and creative activities, and music. Please add your support to this important campaign by joining us on the day, and if you would like to become further involved, please contact

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