Come and join us for our first men’s health forum where people are encouraged to attend to share experiences and obtain information surrounding important issues like mental health and physical health and fitness.

We will be interviewing Interim Chief Executive Simon Whitehouse, where we will hear from him his own tips and hints on how he deals with stress, his interests outside of work and how he takes care of himself.

People are free to contribute to the conversation or simply listen to others talk about their experiences. We will be joined by local GP’s Dr Tim Lyttle and Dr Ross Wilkinson who will be sharing their hints and tips on looking after your physical and mental wellbeing and will be there to answer any questions you may have in relation to men’s health.

This Men’s Forum is the first in this series and will be held on a bi-monthly basis across the ICS to help both men and women to obtain more information around men’s health and have a safe place to ask any questions and share experiences. We will be choosing topics selected by you at each forum to discuss and we want to encourage open conversations with specialist experts in attendance to answer any questions.

The aim of this forum is to help banish any unhelpful myths around men’s health, raise awareness of men’s mental health and offer support on this important topic, and offer support and guidance, hints, and tips around men’s physical health.

Thursday 17th March 2022, 12.30pm – 2pm

Link to Register:

This session will be held virtually via Teams

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