What is Social Prescribing and How Can it Work For You?

Your health and well-being can be influenced by various factors, including your financial situation, social interactions, and living conditions.

GPs often see patients who are dealing with feelings of isolation, stress from work, or concerns about finances and housing and other issues that extend beyond the scope of traditional medical treatment.  Social prescribing steps in to fill this gap, offering support that isn’t found in medication. It empowers you to take greater control of your health by finding personalized ways to address your needs.

Social prescribing can take many forms, but it typically begins with a conversation with a link worker, care navigator or support broker. These professionals are dedicated to understanding your unique situation and connecting you with the resources that can improve your well-being and help you feel better.

This might involve joining a local community group, starting a new hobby, or accessing legal advice and getting help at home. It’s about getting the right information and guidance to leverage local resources or even help you initiate a new project.

Research indicates that people who engage in social prescribing tend to recover and feel better quicker than those who rely solely on medical treatments.

Due to its effectiveness, the practice is becoming increasingly common. To explore how social prescribing can benefit you, talk with your doctor or healthcare professional, local authority or visit the Teldoc Social Prescribing page on this website.

To find out more information about Social Prescribing visit our Social Prescribing Page for more information.

They can guide you on the path to a more holistic approach to your health.

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